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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Coconut Oil Conditioner

Last week I started this adventure on a previous blog. I tested a DIY toothpaste. Going to hold off on the toothpaste for now, and my mouth sores are healing.

This week it's DIY conditioner using coconut oil. Scrolling through Pinterest there were so many girls raving of the wonders, to the next adventure.

This is me with my gallon-sized jar of coconut oil. That's right. 1 gallon! And I followed the Pinterest-Girl directions to a T!

Coconut Oil Conditioner

Step 1. Spoon a tablespoon of coconut oil into your hand.

Step 2. Go for it! I worked the stuff into my hair until my hair was wet. Greasy wet.

Step 3. Wait 15-20 minutes, (Or however long you want so those beautiful fats can work their way into your hair). I did the dishes, picked out tomorrow's outfit, made some banana bread batter.

Step 4. Shampoo and Rinse.

I wish I had a better picture. I'll work on getting a better one soon. This stuff was FANTASTIC! My hair is so silky soft.

This Adventure's Rating: SUCCESS! 

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